
Thursday, October 16, 2008

More Foreshadowing

We talk about Ezekiel 38-39 quite a bit, as do most prophecy watchers. The reason for it is that the war will happen within a few years of the rapture of the church. And everyday we are seeing the coalition mentioned in Ezekiel come closer to fruition. So we are watching it since we know the words of our Lord, "When you see all these things, know that I am at the very door."

Read the article here that talks about Russia, Iran and China supplying arms to Sudan. Also know that Sudan is one of the players in Ezekiel's war, as are Russia and Iran.

Make special note of this paragraph;

"That is consistent with information from Western diplomats, who have told Reuters that Tehran was selling Sudan arms in an attempt to cement ties and deepen military cooperation."

So the military cooperation between the players in Ezekiel's war continues to build....for the first time in human the VERY same time that Isreal has been miraculously gathered back to the Holy Land! Certainly the Lord is close!

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