
Thursday, November 6, 2008

Call the Bear!

Now here is a big surprise! (Cue the sarcasm) It turns out that Putin is paving the way to return to the Kremlin by doing some changing to the constitution. Golly, have we ever seen this in world history where a leader siezes power during economic hard times (Russia's stock market it down by 75% year to date) by promising the people that he will restore the lost glory of their motherland? (can anyone say the word "Nazi"?)

Sadly, most Russian's view the past 15 yrs as an experiment with democracy and capitalism...and now they believe that it simply doesn't work. So they may be ready to jump back into the old ways of dictatorships and socialism.

Read about Putin returning to the Kremlin here;

Also remember that this may tie into what the bible tells us about a strong leader from Russia leading an Arab coalition in an attempt to destroy Israel. Ezekiel 38-39

Hat tip to Barb for the article.

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