
Thursday, November 6, 2008

World is Elated

The bible tells us specifically that Satan is the prince of this world. Jesus admonishes us not to fall in love with the patterns of this world. Peter tells us that the world is going to be destroyed with don't put your time into things of this world, but to stay focused on the unseen, eternal things.

So when a headline like this comes across your desk, you can't help but notice; "WORLD REACTION TO OBAMA VICTORY: ELATION" The world loves what it is seeing! Remember that 6/7 ths of the world DO NOT believe in Jesus Christ as the eternal saviour. To put that another way, the bible tells us that if the Bridegroom came today for his bride (Christ followers) that 6/7 ths of the world would be left behind.

When "the world" see's something that amazes it, or brings it joy or gives it is logical to assume that it probably DOES NOT give Father God, the Creator of All...the same joy and elation.

Read the LA Times article here;,0,3267776.story

Now, understand how "the world" will swoon when THE Anti-christ shows up to lead the world down the final rat hole.

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