
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Climate Change

Seriously...could somone (anyone?) please answer me this question...What caused Minnesota to be under 1/2 mile of ice during the last ice age? Furthermore, what caused the earth to warm enough so that the ice melted and left us with the land we all live on today?

If I was an Eskimo 10,000 years ago happily hunting wooly mammoths across the it possible that I would have bought into Al Gore's panic about the world getting warmer...especially as I saw the ice receding from my mammoth hunting grounds?

As humans do we truly believe we are smart enough to start controlling the atmosphere? We can't even predict the weather 12 hours in advance...why do we believe that we (and our computer models) are now smart enough to say what is going to happen 50 or 100 yrs from now?

All of those questions are good ones and no one has been able to give me an adequate if you have one, please tell me. I honestly want to know.

President-elect Obama recently had this to say, “Few challenges facing America and the world are more urgent than combating climate change,” Mr. Obama said. “The science is beyond dispute and the facts are clear. Sea levels are rising. Coastlines are shrinking. We’ve seen record drought, spreading famine, and storms that are growing stronger with each passing hurricane season.”

Read the full article here;

I'm sorry Mr. Obama but the science is far from being "beyond dispute". Having a consensus is a poor substitute for scientific fact. Just because the majority of the world has a consensus that God doesn't exist doesn't make it true.

As watchers of prophecy, we know that there will be some sort of catalyst that is going to bring the world together in an attempt to solve problems too large for any one country. It will require the "global community" to combat these things. Once that global community is organized, it will obviously need a leader. And we know that leader will be the anti-christ. Can you imagine how the global community will need to pull together after the rapture of the church? With millions of people vanished and the U.S. suddenly without leadership...what will the global community do? You can see how a smooth talking man with plenty of charisma will enter the scene...and decieve the world.

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