
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Who Will We Side With?

Soon the world will be forced to take sides. Tradgedy is all around the Israeli-Palestinian conflict...and it is escalating. The world seems to be siding with the Palestinians and is quick to criticize Israelis. Personally, I have studied both sides of the issue and have come down on the side of the Jews. I am glad that my studies have led me to that conclusion as the bible tells us to bless the Jews.

Satan really seems to be working overtime to lie and deceive in Gaza and West Bank. The arabs there are masters at propaganda and the world is very willing to fall for it. I remember during the Israel-Lebanon war of 2006, the world would condemn Israel for bombing an apartment building and killing old people and children. When you looked closer at the facts and videos, it was discovered that Hezbollah was taking disabled people and mentally challenged people and forcing them into a building. Hezbollah would then go onto the roof and launch rockets at Israel knowing full well that Israeli fighter jets would take out the building. When, subsequently, the civilians were killed who Hezbollah had used as human photographers were there before the dust cleared and had pictures of the injured and dead emailed to CNN and Al Jazeera for world wide consumption.

So when the world is now blaming Israel for cutting power to Gaza and crying "foul" on Israel...I automatically look a little deeper. It doesn't take much digging to realize that quite possibly, Hamas is faking blackouts and staging little kids carrying candles in an attempt to keep building world opinion against the Jews.

Read the article here that just made Google headline from the Jerusalem Post

Now read the same story reported by Al Jazeera;

Who side are you going to take? Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

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