
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Most on Record

In our continuing attempt to watch for extremes that seem to be happening on a daily basis, this headline was on Google this morning, "U.S. Producer Prices Decline 2.8%, Most on Record".

So we have records being shattered almost every day. Headlines with words like hottest, driest, coldest, deadliest, costliest, rainiest, strongest, etc...seem to be happening so often that the apathetic world hardly raises it's head to notice. The world seems to be in "catasrophe overload" mode. But to those with their spiritual goggles on, this is just one more birth pang that is announcing something large is about to be birthed. I believe the large thing is The Tribulation, also referred to Jacob's Trouble or the 70th Week of Daniel. If that event is casting it's shadows on us and we know that Christ will come and snatch all believers from the planet BEFORE that close must the rapture be?

Read the price decline article here;

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