
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Not Good

In this quote talking about an Israeli-Arab peace plan, President elect Obama reportedly told PA leader Mahmoud Abbas, "The Israelis would be crazy not to accept this initiative."

I see a few rather large problems with the ideas "for peace" that are posted in this article. First off, it is a Saudi Arabian plan so you know it has to have problems coming from a country that doesn't allow Bibles in the country. Secondly, it is saying the Israel has to give up control of Jerusalem and the Golan Heights. This territory was won by Israel fighting defensive wars that were started by the Arabs. The Arabs were confident in 1948 and 1967 that they would destroy the Jews and take ALL of Israel...but God had other plans and instead the Arab armies were humiliated.

Secondly, the plan calls for Israel to figure out what to do with millions of Arab refugees that are claiming they lost their land during the Israeli-Arab wars. Since the Arabs attacked Israel in both cases...why should it be Israel's job to fix this problem? The Arab-refugees were actually born in other Arab countries but those countries don't want them back. Boy, that sounds strange to me.

Read the full article here;

It may be that as America pressures God's chosen people to divide God's Holy land...the pressure could continue to increase on America which is already on the brink of financial and moral collapse.

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