
Monday, November 17, 2008

Obama the Anti-Christ?

There was an email running around in the past months that pointed out that Obama could be the anti-christ. I had it sent my way a few times. I don't believe he is, as the book of Daniel tells us that the anti-christ will arise from the same group that destroyed the 2nd Temple in 70 A.D. We know that was the Roman empire but we have to remember that Rome controlled the world and had a very large empire. But I highly doubt it's Obama, who is of Hawaiian-Kenyan descent. Also remember that Thessalonians tells us that the anti-christ will not be revealed until the Holy Spirit is removed from earth. Since the rapture has not happened yet, all guesses on the anti-christ will be simply that...guesses.

This article is INCREDIBLY interesting because it appeared in Newsweek and talked about the anti-christ and Obama and also talked about the rapture. I'm sure the non believers (after reading this article) are thinking that anyone who believes in the rapture must be insane. So be it. That, in and of itself, fulfills even more prophesies.

Read the Newsweek article here;

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