
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Nephilim, Aliens and the Days of Noah

For some of you readers who heard me speak a few weeks ago, I want to revisit the topic of the Nephilim from Genesis 6. I have heard some positve comments regarding my talk but I have also heard some negative comments that the connections are too "bizarre" to even consider.

I will remind you that Christianity is based on some rather "bizarre" beliefs. We believe that the Holy Spirit impregnated a young woman named Mary, who bore the savior (who is the Son of God) of the world. And all who believe in this savior will be taken into the clouds and be given new incoruptable bodies to dwell in a mansion in another dimension that we can't currently see.

If you explained that to someone who had never heard about our faith...they might label you as bizarre. Or they may try and have you committed...depending on the country you are preaching in.

I am not alone in making these connections between the bible passages in Genesis and Numbers and drawing some understanding to the current day UFO phenomenon. Chuck Missler has written quite a bit on this very topic. I will attach an article here; that was written over 10 years ago. You can use it to navigate to his site and do some more reading and searching for UFO's, abductions, fallen angels, etc...

Remember, be a Berean...look up stuff for yourself. Don't believe something simply because your parents told you so or because I told you so. Look at the facts and decide if it rings true with God's word and with the Holy Spirit that is indwelling in each and every believer.

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