
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Is the Church Prepared?

It's pretty easy to get in the habit of calling on God when times get tough but totally forgeting about Him when times are good. Sadly, that seems to be a human nature flaw which Satan pulls at incessantly. Since The Church is made up of flawed human beings, it only goes to reason that The Church will fall into more and greater disobedience as they forget about Him in good times.

So is it surprising (after 20+ years of enormous growth of wealth) to find that the churches around this country are hurting? Is it surprising to find that most Christians are no where close to giving 10% to their local church? Is it surprising to hear that most churches are having problems finding a few good men to serve as Deacons, Elders and leaders? Is it surprising that prophecy is rarely preached from the pulpits? Is it surprising that most Christians don't believe in the inerrant Word of God? Is it surprising that a very large percentage of Christian pastors no longer believe that Satan is an actual being? I could go on and on...

If this is all true, what has God done in the past to His people when they turn from Him and are caught up in rebellion and idol worship? Read the OT and you don't have to read very far to realize that His people are punished and their idols were struck down by God and/or His prophets. So what may be coming for America...sooner than later?

This quote from an article caught by attention because of the severity and etremity of the quote, "Corsi predicts Obama over the next four years will lead the U.S. into the worst global depression it ever has experienced."

Read the full article here;

I won't comment on Corsi's personal feelings towards's not relevant to my point. My point is that all U.S. Christian's faith may soon be tested as God pulls away and destroys the false idol that we have all worshiped for the past, wealth and stuff. Are you ready? Is your church ready? Are the "wealth and prosperity" ministers ready?

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