
Monday, November 10, 2008

Peaceful Palestinians?

This BBC article is pretty sobering as it reminds us of the mindset of many Palestinians living in Israeli territory. Hamas and Fatah are both political parties in the Palestinian territories. They are currently in a civil war as the two parties struggle for dominance. Fatah is considered to be less extremist than Hamas...but they both have a long history of Jew hatred.

The article tells the story of a young woman who recently married and is now preparing to blow herself up in an attempt to kill as many Jews as she can please her satanic god named allah. When asked if she would have a problem killing innocent Jewish children, she responds that they will grow up to be soldiers, so she doesn't have a problem killing them now.

Read the article here;

Are her thoughts shared by thousands of her fellow citizens? I believe they are. So how can the world force Israel to make peace with a foe who doesn't desire peace? And who have the palestinians authorized to sign a peace deal with Israel anyway...Hamas or Fatah? They both want to kill the other party. Fatah holds the west bank and Hamas has Gaza. What can the world be thinking as we insist on peace for the region?

As readers of God's word, we know that peace will never come for the region until the True Prince of Peace shows up on earth to rule with an iron rod.

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