
Sunday, November 9, 2008

Russian Naval Base in Libya

This headline made the news last week, but with all the election chatter going on, I think I forgot to post it. It is an amazing piece of prophecy info as it relates to Ezekiel 38.

Read the Russian newspaper account here;

Remember that Libya and Russia are both players named in a "last days" coalition that gathers to destroy Israel. "Put" is the country mentioned in Ezekiel which historians tell us is modern-day Libya. So when these countries start cooperating for the FIRST TIME IN HUMAN history in an attempt to strengthen their militarys...all discerning eyes should be paying attention.

Also notice that the article says that this cooperation is to prevent agains an attack BY the U.S. So the coalition believes it is forming to combat U.S. aggression, when in reality it is forming because God is fulfilling his prophetic word.

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