Sunday, November 23, 2008

Prepare for Global Cooling

It may be that the tide is turning and the panic alarms shouting "GLOBAL WARMING" are about to shut off. In the article posted below, there are some good facts that are forcing their way out. One big lie is that the hottest decade of the century was the 1990's...when if fact it was the 1930's...long before there were Hummer's and Chevy Suburbans to spew carbon into the atmosphere.

Says the author;
It's clear now that the earth has been cooling for the past decade, to the sorrow of the special pleaders and despite everything Al can do about it. The solar cycle peaked, the sun is quieter, the sunspots have faded and everybody but Al is cooling off.
Even the United Nations says so. The director of the U.N.'s panel on climate change concedes that nature has overwhelmed everything man can do and it might even be another decade before man can rally and the warming resumes. Until then, like it or not, nature rules the cosmos.

Read the full article here;

It's concerning to me that Mr Obama and many in his democratic majority congress have already announced that the fight against global warming will be a centerpiece of their platform. With all the problems that need our time and money...they want to solve a problem that doesn't exist.


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