Saturday, November 8, 2008

Talk is Weak

During the election, Obama was criticized for saying he would engage in direct talks with Iran without pre-condition. He says that you need to talk to your enemies. That may be true in some cases but certainly not in all cases. It takes discernment and leadership to know who you should talk to and who you should isolate by responding with deafening silence. Iran may be one situation where you do not want to they may view it as a sign of weakness.

Check out what Tzipi Livni said in the Jerusalem post; "We live in a neighborhood in which sometimes dialogue - in a situation where you have brought sanctions, and you then shift to dialogue - is liable to be interpreted as weakness," she said.

Read the full article here;

Certainly she knows the neighborhood better than any D.C. politicians...and hopefully we will pay attention to what the Israeli's have to say.


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