
Saturday, December 20, 2008

Atheist Comedian Meets a Christian

Most of you have heard of the famous comic-duo of Penn and Teller. They have preformed in Vegas for years. Below I will post a video clip of Penn (who is an atheist) telling of a very moving (and hopefully transforming) encounter he had with a Christian man who gave him a Gideon's bible.

This should make all of us Christians sit up and listen when an atheist chastises us for not telling others about what we believe to be true.


  1. I was struck by how many times Penn commented the man who gave him the Bible was sane. And how many times he noted he looked him in the eye.

    I think you comment this morning in adult Sunday school about the Holy Spirit working on him could be true.

    It is humbling to realize that a self-proclaimed atheist is correctly reading me the riot act regarding my witnessing or lack there of. It makes me think of the passage in Mark 8:38 “If any man is ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when he comes in his Father's glory with the holy angels."

    At one of my previous jobs there was a co-worker who died suddenly of a heart attack. He was young, and collapsed while playing basketball with his friends; he never got up. I remember the first thing that I thought was, wow I never even told him about Jesus. I had had some opportunities, but like Penn said I did not want to risk the chance of social awkwardness. How hard it would / will be to face him on judgment day and hear him say I am going to Hell because you were afraid to be uncomfortable. My only hope is that Jesus will forgive that sin like so many others in my life.

    Let us strive to be, like the boys and girls in our AWANA clubs, approved workmen who are not ashamed.

  2. I agree with you wholeheartedly. How can a atheist be chastising all of us Christians? If we truly believe that what we believe is really real...then we should be shouting it from the rooftops as God continues to shake the world and soften people's spirits.
