
Friday, December 19, 2008

Zimbabwe has Collapsed

This is a pretty sad article when you consider all the poor men, women and innocent children who will lead miserable lives then suffer and die. All this because some satanic leader (President Mugabe)took once stable and relatively prosperous Zimbabwe and led it right down a hellish-corrupt-rathole.

Of course the world will just sit and watch (or try not to watch) the tradgedy unfold. Why?...because no one has the stomach and/or money to send young men from America, or France or the UK over to Africa to die trying to deliver food and medicine. Does anybody remember Somalia and the movie "BLACK HAWK DOWN?" We were only trying to save the starving people from evil war-lords but when U.S. soldiers were shot down, killed and their corpses dragged through the streets...President Clinton quickly pulled out. By the way, those war-lords were mulism extremists who learned a lesson about American power and how a few corpses dragged around can defeat it.

The only countries that SHOULD handle this mess are the border countries in Africa...but that won't happen either. Those countries have enough of their own problems. How about the UN? Can't this global agency put together a force to go an save the day??

"A day earlier at the United Nations, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said that during the past four months he has asked at least 50 nations and three international organizations to support the council's request for a multinational force to stabilize Somalia.
He said the "lukewarm or negative" replies he had received led him to believe there is almost no international support for a UN force. "

So there is your answer...UN asked 50 nations if they would help Zimbabwe, and there were no takers. Read article here;

What will the world do? Maybe we should start forming a one-world-government and a one-world-army so that we can all work together and handle these problems? And so sets the stage for the anti-christ.

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