
Friday, December 12, 2008

Banks are Bankrupt

Question....if the major bank's balance sheets show that they are bankrupt, and totally reliant on the U.S. Government giving them money to survive...and the U.S. Government's balance sheet shows that the government is totally bankrupt and totally reliant on borrowing money every day to survive...then isn't this whole "thing" just a sham?? A ponzi scheme??

The answer that the politicians will tell you is that the government isn't broke because they have the full power to tax the U.S. citizens and corporations, thereby collecting plenty of money for all their obligations. Question....if the U.S. citizens have no money/income left to tax and the corporations are closing and have no income left to tax...then isn't this whole "thing" just a sham?? A ponzi scheme??

Jim Rogers is one of the world's most prominent investors and in this article, he is pointing out to us that the emperor, in fact, has no clothes.

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