
Friday, December 12, 2008

Don't Shake Hands

The body of the article below says that Iran may be mad at French President Sarkozy because he won't shake hands with Ahmadinejad because of his holocaust denial. So when the muslims refuse to shake hands with Jews...they are justified...but when someone refuses to shake hands with them...they are mad. I get it...Satan has them thoroughly confused.

Access article here;

Remember that just a few days ago, I posted an article of how the Egyptians were calling for the firing of the their top muslim cleric because he shook hands with Shimon Peres...a Jew and a representative of Israel.

Pray that the cloud of illogical confusion planted over the nation of Islam by satan, can be pierced by the light of Christ. This spiritual battle has been taking place over Persia (Iran) since the days of Daniel when the archangel, Michael, had to come help Gabriel over come the the satanic prince sitting over Iran.

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