Sunday, December 14, 2008

Do These People Sound Like They Want Peace?

Hamas had a big anniversary celebration yesterday. They were celebrating 21 yrs of hatred and violence. The AP said over 300,000 people turned out to hear their leaders spew lies and promises of more hatred and killing of Jews. The day even included a skit with an actor playing a Jewish soldier beggin Hamas for his freedom. This was a taunting effort that played on the Gilad Shalit kidnapping over 2 1/2 yrs ago who they are still holding hostage.

Also a looming roadblock to peace is that Hamas is claiming they will refuse to recognize the Fatah elected government which is hanging on to power in the West Bank. So a civil war may need to be fought first so they can then commence seeking to destroy Israel.

I'm sorry for the pessimism...but what an absolute JOKE that the U.S. is demanding that Israel and the Arabs in Palestine come up with a peace plan and most of the pressure is going to come at Israel to make that peace, by giving concessions to the hate-filled Hamas.

Read full article here;


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