
Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Suicidal Option

As the financial crisis deepens, it is becoming more evident that many regard their wealth as a god. The god of wealth took care of all their needs, wants and desires. There was nothing that their god couldn't do for them. Their god was invincible!...or so they thought.

In just a few months of financial meltdown, their god Mammon, has been exposed for what he is...a false god. Read this paragraph from article; "Mr. Madoff really sort of set off a financial neutron bomb here," said Chew. "[Investors are] sitting in their nice homes with their nice cars, with their nice artwork, but the reality is they only have two or three months of cash available and then it's over."

As the last sentence says...."and then it's over." As Mammon is destroyed, people who worshiped him feel there is nothing they slit their wrists and turn out the lights. What a deceptive god he was to those who have given up hope.

Read the tragic article here;

Pray to the Living God for the loosening of the binds that Mammon has placed on millions of us. Pray that we can see the truth of Christ through the deceptive lies of this world.

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