
Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Who aren't Gays Mad At?

First the gays were mad at California voters and went to the streets in protest because the voters didn't approve gay marriage. Then they were mad at the Mormon church and all kinds of Christian leaders because they spoke out against gay marriage. Now they are mad at the pope because he said that we need to save humanity from all the gender-blurring that is going on.

Said one trans-sexual; "I'm someone who was born as male and has a spiritual and female soul, and it's contradictory that a Pope just thinks of people just made as flesh and not made of a spiritual aspect."

Right....the pope simply doesn't understand that people have a spiritual aspect. Who exactly do they think the pope is?

The catholics have always said that homosexuality is not a sin, but homosexual acts are sinful. Hate the sin, but love the sinner is the moto that most Christians would adhere to. But that is not enough. According to the gays, if we are not 100% tolerant of anything they want to do...then we are intolerant. How funny is that??....they accuse us of being intolerant but look at how TOTALLY intolerant they are being of ANYONE who disagrees with any of their views.

Read the article here;

1 comment:

  1. “Tolerance” is not tolerance. When a person of the left uses the word tolerance what they mean is complete support, check that, complete support and unfettered exuberance for their cause. Anything short is de facto “intolerance”. It is almost humorous how they can condemn a person or even a whole organization for expressing views that they disagree with, but are in no way intolerant, and then say things like we should not have to tolerate this. How much cognitive dissidence can a person maintain?

    The Pope slaughtered two of the left’s sacred cows with his statement. From the article “Speaking on Monday, Pope Benedict said that saving humanity from homosexual or transsexual behavior was as important as protecting the environment.”

    Throwing down against homosexuality and global warming in the same sentence! Yikes! To be honest I would have expected more hoopla…perhaps that is still coming.

    Frankly I hope the Pontiff is misquoted here. I would rather he said saving humanity from homosexual or transsexual behavior is at LEAST as important as protecting the environment. I mean if too much of humanity exchanges is natural desire for unnatural desire we are gunna stop making babies, and it wouldn’t be too long before we un-bred ourselves into extinction. But then if you think the biggest problem on mother earth is her infestation of fleas know as humans maybe that is not such a big deal.

    Personally I am with Joe Soucheray, “If you’re going to worry about something you can’t do anything about, worry about global cooling.”
