
Sunday, January 4, 2009

Escape from Hamas

Fox TV is airing a show that involves an interview of an ex-Hamas member. The man is actually more than that, as his father was one of the founding members of Hamas. While in an Israeli prison, Christ found him and he now understands the lies of Islam and the hatred that radical Islam is fomenting. After reading the quote below you have to know that Islam (Satan) wants this guy dead.

"Islam is not the word of God," said Yousef. "If you want to be offended it's your problem. But you know something? Go study. Think for a second that I might be right. So wake up, look at your path, see where you're going. Are you really going to heaven with 72 virgins after you kill yourself and kill another 20 people?"

Read the article here and check out the listing times for when you can watch it for yourselves;,2933,475226,00.html

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