
Sunday, January 4, 2009

Power Behind the Horde

In David Dolan's comments on my previous posting, he surmised that Iran is the power behind Hamas' attempt to stand against Israel. Also they are the power behind Hezbollah and Syria. So where does this power come from? We know it is from satan because 1 John tells us to "test the spirits" and any spirit that doesn't acknowledge Jesus Christ as God in flesh is a spirit of the anti-christ. Radical Islam is the fruit being born by satan's lies that were started by Muhammad 1400 years ago.

Lest you have any doubt, we will post a video that ran on Iranian TV a few days ago, that shows what satan is filling Iranian children's heads with. In modern day, what kind of society teaches preschoolers about killing, death and jihad??...only one born by Satan.

Watch clip here;

Hat tip to Julie E.

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