
Thursday, January 15, 2009

Iran Tells Hamas to Keep Fighting

This article in the NYT has a lot of information on the unfolding power struggle that is the middle east. When Gaze erupted the mullahs of Iran whipped up their youth into a frenzy asking for jihad fighters to head to Gaza to die fighting Jews. They reportedly got 70,000 Iranian volunteers. Then a few days later, the Ayatollah said the fighters couldn't go because the Iranians hands were tied by other Arab leaders.

So what's really going on? Iran is getting ready for the promised negotiations that Obama and Clinton have in store for the U.S. and Iran. They want to be able to have some good cards to lay on the table and show that their power is deep and wide.

Read article here;

Also understand that Iran NEEDS Hamas to keep fighting. If they surrender to Israel, that will be one less card that Iran has to lay on the Obama-poker table.

“With no doubt Hamas must continue resistance and it will definitely win,” Kazem Moussavi Bojnerdi wrote in Monday’s issue of Etemad Melli, a reformist Iranian newspaper. “The death toll that the Israelis are imposing on Hamas should not make them back down, and I am certain that they will not surrender. If they show any weakness, they will have to pay horrifying costs in the future.”

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