
Thursday, January 15, 2009

Not Feasible for Israel to Live

Israel's arch enemy, Iran, is ramping up the rhetoric about Israel not being allowed to live in the region. Remember, according to Islamic law, if land has EVER been under Islamic control, then that land is believed to be their rightful possession forever...and if they lose control of the land for a time, it is their duty to fight to get it back. And since the two mosque's are sitting on the Temple Mount...most muslims will never give up the fight to be in total control of Jerusalem and modern day Israel.

Read article here;

The fact that Israel has been able to thrive and build an exceedingly great army over the past 60 yrs is a huge disappointment to muslims. In their mind, it's a test of their god, allah vs. the Jewish/Christian God of Isaac and Jacob....and satanic confusion and power will push them on in an attempt to thwart God's plans for the Jews.

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