
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A New Ice Age?

Al Gore is not going to like this article. Afterall he just got a Nobel prize for sounding the alarm on global warming which was going to put the earth in a tizzy and have everyone from Florida to Maine losing their ocean-front property to rising sea levels.

Read article here;

It sure seems that science has all the answers. They claim to know where life came from, they have mastered the atom, they are almost able to clone anything they fact they would have us believe that science is really all you need and that God is just some myth meant for an ignorant society and really has no place in modern thought.

If God does have a sense of humor and if he does have a habit of knocking down the would make sense if he decided to rebuild all the glaciers in a single year and leave the global warming crowd simply scratching their heads wondering what the heck just happened.

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