
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Time Run Out for Iran?

Let's connect a few dots....first off Iran supports Hamas in Gaza, Hezbollah in Lebanon and also the Syrian government. Those three places are kind of outposts for Iranian influence in the middle east. For the last few weeks Israel has been pummeling Hamas in Gaza and Iran is very aware that they may be losing one of their outposts. In the meantime Ahmadinejad in Iran is ramping up his "death to Israel" rhetoric at the very time they are spinning 6000 centrifuges in an attempt to master the nuclear bomb. Israel and the U.S. (including incoming Obama administration) have said that an Iranian nuke is "unacceptable".

So that about sets the modern stage...and a volatile stage it is. With Bush set to leave office next week and Israel not really sure where Obama may be headed with his Iranian diplomacy, the rumors have built for the last 9 months that Israel may strike Iran and try their best to disrupt their nuclear aspirations.

So with all this as a background, when an article appears yesterday that says, THE TIME CLOCK HAS RUN OUT; ISRAEL TO STRIKE IRAN...we should all sit up and pay attention.

Read the full article here and pray real hard for the peace of Jerusalem;

Remember that the Arab street is really lathered up as they watch Hamas get whipped so if Israel does launch an adventure into Iran....the world is going to have a major cow. If you think anti-semitism is building now, just imagine what it will be if the bombs start falling on Iran.

And finally, what may be the outcome for world oil prices if Iran follows through on it's threat to blow up oil ports if attacked? You can bet that gasoline in the US is going to spike big time. Will our already shakey economy be able to handle $5-6 gallon gasoline?

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