
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Poisoning Minds in Bethlehem

As we know, the Arabs in Palestine have been brainwashing their kids and teaching them about hatred and murder for quite some time. I believe that if most people in Western civilizations would log onto the computer and look at what is being shown on children's programing in Gaza and the West Bank...they would demand that programing change...or development funds given to the palestinians would be with held. Why should the US send money to support the PA if the PA is going to use it to produce children's programing aimed at Jew hatred?

The truth about this garbage may finally be starting to go mainstream, so there is hope. US News has an editorial that talks about this poisoning of minds. In it he quotes some of what he saw on PA TV;

False history. Children being taught murder by rote is child abuse, a mental deformation more damaging than physical injury. Equally disgusting is the demonization of Jews based on a phony history of the Holocaust. Remember the Holocaust, in which the Nazis killed 6 million Jews? Well, take a look at the scene from a PA Fatah "educational video" in which children acting and singing about history recite: "They [Israel] are the ones who did the Holocaust, their knife cuts to the length and width of our flesh. They opened the ovens for us to bake human beings. ... When an oven stops burning, they light 100 [more]." A body called the National Committee for Defense of Children from the Holocaust organized an exhibit, one feature of which, according to al-Ayyam, one of the largest Palestinian newspapers, is "an oven and inside it small [Palestinian] children are being burned. The picture speaks for itself."

Read editorial here;

When you realize that many and/or most Palestinians believe these lies, you realize how elusive a peace deal is. You can preach "peace", but not until BOTH sides desire it, will it be achieved.

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