
Monday, January 12, 2009

More 2012 Dire Predictions

Those of you who have been reading my blog for a while know that I posted some interesting articles surrounding the year 2012. It seems lots of chatter is being mentioned of apocolyptic proportions that coincide with that year. The one being repeated the most is that the Mayan calendar ends in December 2012. That Mayan calender devised some thousands of years ago was accurate to within a few seconds and modern man has no idea how the Mayans could possibly have attained the knowledge to put it together.

Today, NASA is telling us that a solar storm is coming for the world and it's peak is going to be in the year 2012.

"The sun is currently near minimum on its 11-year activity cycle, the report explains, but is expected to produce solar storms that will increase in intensity and frequency as it approaches peak activity levels in 2012.
The NASA report warns that if the sun's activity over the next few years flares to the level of the May 1921 "superstorm" or the so-called Carrington event of 1859, a "perfect storm" that called "the most powerful onslaught of solar energy in recorded history," the U.S. may not be equipped to handle the damages.
"The impacts of severe space weather events," the report states, "can go beyond disruption of existing technical systems and lead to short-term, as well as to long-term collateral socioeconomic disruptions."
The report listed possible cascading effects of a major solar storm as "disruption of the transportation, communication, banking and finance systems, and government services; the breakdown of the distribution of potable water owing to pump failure, and the loss of perishable foods and medications because of a lack of refrigeration."
In addition, the researchers warn, "Emergency services would be strained, and command and control might be lost."

Read full article here;

As we all know, the achilles heel of the 21st century technology is electricity. Without electricity, virtually NOTHING would work in the U.S. and or Western civilization. If the lights go out and the pumps can't pump drinking water...the whole country will slide into anarchy in a period of hours.

The bible tells us to "Consider the lillies and how they grow. They don't reap and they don't sow but God still cares for them." And so He will care for his children that are much more valuable than lillies.

I ask the question; If modern man has built their own Tower of Babel using technology as our attempt to be as wise as God...why wouldn't God disrupt our tower just like he disrupted the first tower?

Finally, if you missed my postings on 2012, you can use the search engine on the blog and type in 2012 to go back and read them.

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