
Saturday, January 3, 2009

Kill to the End!

Of course no one likes to see little kids and bystanders blown up by Israeli rockets. But of course no one likes to see kids and bystanders blown up by suicide bombers...except Islamists. Again...why the global outrage against civilian deaths when Israel is behind the wheel...but no response when Islamist suicide bombers are behind the wheel.

Israel is determined this time, to crush the militant capability of Hamas. When Hamas is incapable of launching missiles, then I assume Israel will quit it's offensive. Lest you have any doubt about Hamas' intentions, this quote from one of their leaders says it all;

“We will remain on the path of jihad until the end of days.”

In blind, satanic hatred, Hamas is willing to sacrifice it's women and children, and everything in Gaza and will happily go to their graves knowing that they attempted to kill Jews right up to the end of days. Does this sound like a group that is ready to make peace and coexist as neighbors with Israel?

So Israel prepares itself for a ground invasion back into Gaza. If they have to have armed soldiers on the streets of Gaza until the end of days, then that's what they are going to do because they have learned the missiles will start coming back into Israel the very day they leave.

Read article here;

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