
Saturday, January 3, 2009

Moral Clarity in Gaza

This Washington Post article by columnist Charles Krauthammer is a must read for everyone who wonders what the difference is between Hamas targeting and killing civilians vs. Israel accidently killing civilians as it goes after Hamas leaders.

"Israel is so scrupulous about civilian life that, risking the element of surprise, it contacts enemy noncombatants in advance to warn them of approaching danger. Hamas, which started this conflict with unrelenting rocket and mortar attacks on unarmed Israelis -- 6,464 launched from Gaza in the past three years -- deliberately places its weapons in and near the homes of its own people. "

So make sure to let the world know whenever your watercooler discussion turns to Israel...there is a HUGE difference between the lovers of death (Hamas) and Israel who just desires to live in peace. How many of the earth's militaries would warn civilians of impending danger? Only the U.S. and Israel...and today those two countries are coming ever closer to standing alone as the world continues following it's true prince.

Read the full article here;

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