Friday, January 23, 2009

Miracles in Israel

The recent war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, has done a few things. Number one, it has opened up and revealed a very large fracture in the Arab/Islamic world that if not fixed could collapse what little unity they have. Number two, it has unified Israel in a way that hasn't happened since the start of their modern history.

Fully 92% of the Israeli population were in favor of the Gaza invasion. That's incredible when you realize that they have all their political parties, some religious some secular, that are constantly in disagreement. Furthermore, a majority of the population are in agreement that they will remain unconcerned about what the outside world is saying about them. They are getting comfortable in their role that they will be the frontline of attacks by the evil in the world and are stepping up to take their God given role of being a light in the world. And finally, there are miracles happening as God seems to have directed their fighting in Gaza...just like He did when they were clearing out the Holy Land 3500 yrs ago.

Read some of the stories here;


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