Sunday, January 11, 2009

Reject Islam

The article below was written in November, but it's message is very pertinent for the struggle which is climaxing in Gaza today. It was written by a Palestinian ex-muslim who after years of brainwashing, finally woke up and realized that Islam is intolerant and breeds hatred. He now is doing his best to sound the alarm that Israel is the front line in the world's war against the tyranny of Islam.

His statements about creating a Palestinian state are very telling.

"Palestine" never existed and should never exist - and this is coming from me, an Arab classified as a "Palestinian." The creation of a Palestinian state would be the biggest threat to the existence of Israel and would not bring one day of peace to Israel. I know how my people think. Promoting such a state would be the equivalent of supporting the Nazis in their quest to destroy the Jews."

Read full article here;


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