
Wednesday, January 7, 2009

UN School Bombing

We all knew the MSM (Main stream media) would be breathless to report that Israel had attacked a United Nations run school and jump right onto the photos of dozens of frenzied arabs carrying dead school kids. How terribly sad for some poor kids to be blown to bits by shells.

But!!! That's not the rest of the story! It appears that palestinian witnesses are saying they confirm Israel's story that a rocket team was launching from the school. Furthermore, the school may have been booby trapped by Hamas so that even if Israel used a tiny missile to kill the squad on the rooftop...Hamas then triggered a huge explosion to make sure the school came down and Israel could be blamed...just in time to make the 5:30 evening news.

Could Hamas be so cruel that they would kill their own people solely for propaganda?? Satan knows no bounds when it comes to the war against the Jews.

Read JP article here;

Another question...when Hamas reports that children have been killed...what if a 14 yr old boy is firing rockets at Israel from a rooftop while in his blue jeans and Yankees T-shirt? Is he a civlian or is he a Hamas militant? Should the Israeli gunships be able to determine his age and status while in a battle? How would the UN reporter know?

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