
Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Armageddon Week

In case you are missing it, the History Channel is having "Armageddon Week" where they explain lots of ways and theories about how the earth will end. I actually watched it on Monday night as Joel Rosenberg, Jerry Jenkins and Tim Lahaye were featured. It was surprisingly well done in that they didn't paint the evangelicals as idiots and they backed up the Seven Bowl Judgements of Revelation with scientific possiblities.

Not to be outdone, Fox News has an article talking about the 5 possiblities of how the world will end. In it you are asked to vote on which one you think is the most likely.

Read it here;,2933,477084,00.html

I'm telling you, the world is getting an idea that there is a shaking going on. They are looking for answers and YOU have those answers. The field is ripe and the harvest is at get out there and talk!! The Spirit promises He will give you the words and bless your testimony. "If God be for us, who can be against us?"

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