
Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Global Cooling!

This article is pretty funny when you remember that the bible tells us, "I will confuse your wise men and frustrate your intelligent men." I'm sure the scientists are frustrated. They've spent the last 10 years saying the earth is getting warmer because of man-made CO2 omissions...only to find out the earth has actually cooled in the last 8 yrs. $300,000,000 spent to warn the world of global warming but once they had a really cold winter they realized they better change the message to "Climate change"...that way ANYTHING that happens in the atmosphere can fall under that umbrella and be used to sound the alarm and gather research money.

Oh...and by the way...if you don't accept the Climate Change "problem" as fact...then you are an idiot. (at least that's what my liberal friends tell me)

"We put up satellites in the atmosphere to measure the lower troposphere. We did this 30 years ago because of the global cooling panic. So we're measuring where we would find the cooling or warming signal, which is in the lower troposphere," he explains. "And we don't see either; there has been a slight cooling in the last few years. The warming of two decades stopped in 1998."

Read the full article here;

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