
Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Russian Prof. Predicts U.S. Collapse

This article from the Wall Street Journal is interesting for a variety of reasons, but the first paragraphs caught my attention because the Professor believes we will fall apart in 2010 because of economic and moral collapse and it will lead to a civil war that will split the nation in 4-5 parts.

Read article here;

From a biblical prospective, those of us who believe in the pre-trib rapture of The Church, know that when the rapture happens, the U.S. WILL collapse. There are simply too many Christians providing too many services for the infrastructure to hold. And what will be left will be easy pickings for the remaining powers on earth who will be unaffected by the rapture due to tiny populations of True Believers.

So is it possible that some people within Magog (Russia) are starting to get tipped off of what the post rapture world is going to look like? Who knows??? It is just one more bizarre headline that seems to make the news on a daily basis.

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