
Tuesday, January 6, 2009

When the Money Goes---Kill Yourself.

As the world continues to be shaken, the financial empires that were indestructible a few short years ago, continue to collapse. What a tradgedy to find out where people's worth and happiness were really stored.

According to the article below, Mr. Merckle was the 94th richest man in the world. Wow!!...with all that money it would be impossible to not be happy...right? But it turns out that he stepped in front of a train yesterday and now he has entered into a stage of consciousness. I pray he had a personal relationship with our Lord and Savior, Jesus.

Read article here;

As I read this article, I was reminded of the parable that Jesus told about the guy who had so much wealth, he started building more barns to hold it all. Once he got that done, he figured he could sit back, be happy and enjoy all that money could bring. But Jesus said, "You fool!" and reminds us all that this could be our last day on which case all the barns of wealth mean absoultely nothing.

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