
Friday, February 6, 2009

Best Escuse

As the "investigations" continue of what actually happened during the Israeli operation in Gaza, there are some NGO's (Non-Governmental-Organizaitons) who are claiming that Israel commited war crimes, such as targeting civilians. And whenever someone from Amnesty International goes on TV and reports about all the dastardly deeds done by seems to make the international news.

So how about Hamas? Do the NGO's look into reports of war crimes commited by them?...such as shooting Palestinian citizens in the back of the head with no trial, or throwing members of Fatah off of tall buildings, or shooting Palestinians in the legs if they refuse to let their homes be used by Hamas to launch missiles, or hiding munitions in schools? Do they look into all of those things so they can report them to international news? I guess not, and here's why;

Human rights groups argued Wednesday that a detailed probe into Hamas's firing of Kassam rockets at Israeli communities is not necessary, because it constitutes such a "blatant" war crime. By contrast, Israel's actions are more complex, and therefore do require such investigation, they said.

So to restate the above...organizations like Amnesty don't feel it's necessary to report or investigate Hamas because it's so obvious they are commiting war crimes that it requires no report!! But Amnesty DOES need to investigate Israel because Israel says it's NOT commiting war crimes, so Amnesty has to investigate Israel to see if that's true. I guess that's a great excuse to show dead and burned Arab children and just let the world assume that Israeli actions were the cause.

Can you see how this gives rise to anti-semitism?

Read the full JP article here;

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