
Friday, February 6, 2009

This is How it Works

During the Gaza operation, the UN came on all the TV's of the world and accused Israel of attacking a UN school. The news report would usually be accompanied by images of people in some country protesting on the streets expressing "outrage" at the visciousness of the "crime". And then a plea would be given for Israel to stop shelling these "innocent" people. And finally the perfunctory picture of the limp Arab girl being carried by six or more Arab men as they run through the street screaming. We've all seen that.

And the anti-semitic feelings grow.

And then three weeks later when the world's TV's are tuned to American Idol, the truth actually comes out;

The United Nations has retracted a claim that an Israeli strike which killed more than 40 people in northern Gaza city of Jabaliya last month hit a school run by a UN agency.

And that report is seen by virtually no one...because CNN and BBC, who were more than happy to report the UN's original claims...are now on to something else.

But the anti-semitic feelings remain.

Read the tiny report here;

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