
Friday, February 6, 2009

Raped and Brainwashed

This is a sad story. According to the AP, young Arab women are purposefully raped and then sent to a woman "counselor". It turns out that the counselor is actually a woman who works for terrorists and she brainwashes the young women into believing that the only way they can escape the "shame" of being to strap bombs to themselves and then go blow up civilians...all for the glory of Allah.

Read the article here;

And just yesterday I heard from a liberal friend who assured me that all people, everywhere in the world, truly just desire to live in peace, raise their children with a decent education and have some hope for a better tomorrow. Yeah...right. Sadly, these pie-in-the-sky liberals are simply blind to the evil that is at work on this planet. And sadder still...they may now have a majority on the positions of power that will enable them to cast this ignorant belief all over the globe.

Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done.

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