
Friday, February 6, 2009


In the article I will link, the talk is about dividing Israel into a two state system or trying a one state system. The one-state system will probably never be accepted by Israel because it would mean that the Jews would lose the majority in a short period of time...and if you lose the majority in a democracy...the majority could soon elect Hamas into Israeli government. No good.

We know that countries who mess with God's Holy Land have a pretty short shelf life, as Jan Markell and other watchers have noted. So when you see the very last sentence of this article, it makes one wonder if it is, indeed, prophetic?

But the new U.S. administration seems engaged where the previous one was not.

Read the full article here;


  1. Hello Dennis- Great info! do yo mind if I link you to the Men of Faith site at Rusty

  2. You are welcome to do that but remember that a lot of this info on the blog is "meat" and not "milk". It would definately not be for someone who just accepted the Lord or was young in faith. We talk about Nephilim and UFO's and spiritual deception. A young Christian may believe we have lost our I will leave it for you to decide based on who visits men of faith.
