
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

California Almost Broke

Most of you know why miners used to have a canary in the mine shift with them...because the bird would die from poison gas and when the miners saw the bird die, they knew they had but a few minutes to exit the mine before they also died.

This article about California on the brink of financial meltdown makes me wonder if the state is the U.S's canary in the mine shaft. If that state falls, it makes me wonder if we will only have a short time before we all succumb to the financial poison we have all been breathing.

During a news conference with reporters, the president pro tempore of the State Senate, Darrell Steinberg, said he would once again order lawmakers to stay in the capitol Tuesday until a deal was hammered out. Failure to reach agreement, he said, would be "catastophic."

Read the full article here;

Also, have you noticed that California and New York are the states being mentioned to have the most catastrophic financial situations?? Have you further noticed that they are two of the most liberal states in the union? I would also be curious to know what percentage of each state's population would claim to be born again and indwelt with the Holy Spirit. It would be interesting to watch and see if there is a correlation between state's problems vs. the percentage of Christ followers. We will need to put up our antenae on that question.

Thessalonians clearly tells us that the Holy Spirit is currently restraining evil, chaos and mayhem on earth. It may stand to reason that the chaos and mayhem may first manifest itself where the Holy Spirit has the least amount of presence. What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. Dennis,
    I thought you might find this doc. that our new Pres. signed interesting.
    Didn't hear anything about it in the news.
    Thanks for keeping us informed!
