
Monday, February 16, 2009


FDIC stands for Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and it insures all the money that we have in our banks. Obviously, if the Federal Government runs out of money, then the FDIC will also be out of there truly is no 100% safe place to "guarantee" your money while you are a member of planet earth.

That being said, I plucked these facts from Chuck Missler's site;

Many naïve investors take comfort in the fact that their bank deposits are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). The FDIC is the insurer of $13.3 trillion in U.S. bank deposits in 8,451 U.S. Banks. However, it had less than $35 billion in insurance funds at the end of the 3rd Quarter 2008 (down 24%). That amounts to only 76 cents for every $100 of insured deposits; less than 1%.

Maybe this is why the bible tells us to lay up our treasures in heaven where moth and rust will not you get to spend it for all eternity, rather than just a few more years.

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