
Monday, February 16, 2009

Revival or Rapture?

The guys at Rapture Ready have been following prophetic events for 30 some years. In regards to the financial calamity that the world currently finds itself in, they think one of two scenario's are possible, but the rapture scenario seems more likely. Read an excerpt here;

Revival or Rapture

It is becoming very clear that the world is facing a time of economic peril that has not been seen in two generations. In all my years of watching current events, I've never seen headlines warning about the possibility of the whole financial system disintegrating into chaos. These dire reports are not from a supermarket tabloid. They are from some of the most respected news organizations in the land.
I firmly believe that God is in control of all events. Governments around the world have pledged $2 trillion dollars to try to stabilize the global economic meltdown, and still it continues to slide. The stakes have become so desperately grim, I see only two possible outcomes from the viewpoint of a believer: God is either using the economic crisis to bring about a great revival, or He is soon going to rapture the Church home and begin the tribulation countdown.
It is my view that we are headed for the second option. I would love to see revival break out, but I don't believe it is possible at this stage. Some of my friends hold to the view that the Lord is going to pour out a “latter rain” revival. Some other folks believe the Church is going to take over this world for Christ. I just don't see the Bible pointing to such a positive outcome.

Read the full article here;

Let's be about the Master's work while we have some time remaining.

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