
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Did God Really Say...?

The tag line of The Truth Project is, "Do you really believe that what you really believe is really real?" Further related is the question of the bible's accuracy and inerrancy. Is the Word of God truly the Word of God? Can we really trust it?

Well, it appears that more and more "Christians" are succumbing to the original temptation of Satan when he said, "Did God really say that?"...and in the process are sending us all further down the path to becoming the Church of Laodicea. (Revelation 3)

In Michigan, the new bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Northern Michigan is an ordained Zen Buddhist.

Meanwhile, Presbyterian Church (USA) representatives in Arkansas and central North Carolina have endorsed amending the church constitution to allow non-celibate homosexuals to be ordained as ministers, elders and deacons.

Read the full article here;

Pray that God may guard our hearts and minds against the deception of the Evil One. The Word of God is our only stand...all other ground is sinking sand.

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