
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Faith in What?

Many of you know that I am in the financial business and help clients plan for financial events like retirement, college, large purchases, etc... That's what I do for my "real" job when I'm not typing or thinking about prophecy or feeding cows. So yesterday I went to a luncheon to hear a nationally known speaker tell us his opinions on what was happening in the financial world. He was quite entertaining but his words struck my ears as being quite prophetic.

At one point in his talk he raised his voice and asked the 400 of us in attendance, "Where is your faith?? Don't you know that EVERYTHING stems from faith in the future??"

Hmmm....that's a good question? Where is our faith and who/what do we have faith in?

Many of you have also heard me talk about the god of this age of wealth...that god's name is Mammon. I believe we have all seen Mammon at work for the past few decades as American's have forgotten their first love (Jesus) and gone running after this false god, who promises happiness, friends, travel, big homes, 2nd homes, etc... So do we have faith that this god is going to come back and give us all that he has promised? Afterall, says the speaker, he always has come back in the past?

So obviously, the speaker has placed his faith in Mammon's uncanny ability to come back from a hard time and always bring more and more wealth and goodies with him and produce an ever-better future. And for the 400 brokers in the room...their livelihoods may depend on it.

But the bible tells us a different story. The bible says that when the times of the gentiles are over that Jesus will return to earth accompanied by his bride (us) and he will smite all unbelievers on earth and their governments, and set up his millenial kingdom.

So, to answer yesterday's speaker, my faith in the future stems from my absolute belief that God's word will be done. America will pass, just like Babylon, Rome, Greece, England, and every other world power who believed their day in the sun would never end. But God's word will never pass away.

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