
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Bible is True

As the athiests and scientists keep trying to dismiss God into the corner of myth and wive's tales, the archeologists just keep digging. And everything they find in Israel seems to confirm that the Bible's account of history is true. And why shouldn't it's "His-story", as Chuck Swindol likes to say.

A routine archeological excavation ahead of private construction in an Arab neighborhood on the outskirts of Jerusalem has uncovered a series of seal impressions from the reign of the biblical King Hezekiah 2,700 years ago, the Israel Antiquities Authority announced Monday.

Read full article here;

What I believe is happening is that God is giving more and more evidence that His word is true. The Jews actually did have two temples in Jerusalem and Solomon actually did have 10,000 horses in stalls, and there really are Eqyptian chariots at the bottom of the Sea of Reeds (Red Sea). He want's us to discover all these things so the unbelievers can be given every merciful chance possible to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ...before it's too late.

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