
Thursday, February 26, 2009

Israel to Blame for Darfur

Libya is one of the named players in Ezekiel 38-39, commonly referred to by prophecy watchers as "Ezekiel's war". For that reason we watch Libya. The president of Libya is Muammar Gaddafi and most will remember him for being a terrorist-thorn in the side of the U.S. during the 1980's. In fact, Libya was found guilty in world court and ordered to pay $$millions in damages to the victims of the PanAm flight that blew up over Lockerbie, Scotland a few decades ago.

Recently, Mr. Gaddafi seems to have emerged from his cave as he has been making news as of late. Most recently he has made the claim that the Jews are to blame for the crisis in Darfur.

"Why do we have to hold President Bashir or the Sudanese government responsible when the Darfur problem was caused by outside parties, and Tel Aviv [Israel], for example, is behind the Darfur crisis?"

Read article here;

In the Last days, God will draw out this coalition, including Libya, and will have them gather to destroy Israel. God will then fight for Israel and confuse the gathered armies and make them turn on each other. We can see from this article that the motive to attack Israel may already be simmering. So how close must we be to closing out the Age of the Gentiles?

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