
Sunday, February 1, 2009

God Touched our god

It seems the world's best and brightest, meeting in Switzerland, have left the conference without any ideas on how to fix the global economic meltdown.

"No one seems to have a clear understanding of how big this crisis is and what we need to do to get out of it." he told AP. "My own view is that you really need to do a fundamental reexamination of the whole global system to see what went wrong, and nobody here is yet ready to ask these kinds of fundamental questions in Davos."

It appears that maybe the world's leaders are still in denial as to the severity of the crisis...and also may be denial of telling their constituents about the severe pain that is yet to come.

In the OT when Solomon was king, the Israelites became the wealthiest kingdom the world had ever seen. There was no end to the gold, food, horses and chariots that God bestowed on His people. But disobedience soon followed. Afterall, who needs God when you have all this great stuff? So when the people forgot who gave them all the great stuff....their blessings quickly disappeared. And Israel was split in two, and soon was overrun by it's enemies. God put his finger on their god of wealth. Is he doing that to the world today? As the world's leaders have all worshiped at the altar of wealth and technology, God is going to show us just how weak that god is. Our God is a jealous God and he wants us all to know that He is never changing and is soon coming back to settle all accounts.

Read the Switzerland article here;

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